Within a few months we will be welcoming the year of the Wood Goat according to the Chinese calendar, this year it begins a little bit late, February/19/2015, which is the date of the second new moon after the winter solstice; this is how the beginning of the Chinese New Year is calculated, so every year it falls on a different date.
Arriving at the last moment one can imagine the Wood Goat likes to take things easy and at her own pace, and that influence will be noticed during 2015, but one thing is that events unfold slowly and spontaneously, and quite another that we are able to live our life in a relaxed and carefree way.

This year is also the first time that I translate the yearly predictions almost fully into English, so besides the general outlook for each one of the 12 signs (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon...), there is also a new program that calculates each person prediction for 2015 according to the date and time of birth, this together with the day to day predictions makes for a quite detailed outlook of the following year for everybody; this programs are still somewhat experimental and a continuous process of development, but little by little I think they are improving, specially thanks to the feedback received from their users.
In general, goat years can be as much intense as those of his friend the horse, but since the horse is the most Yang (creative, active) sign of Chinese horoscope and the goat the most Yin (receptive, passive), this makes it all happen in a more subtle and not so obvious way, rather than through dramatic and impetuous initiatives.
Not surprisingly, looking back at the previous years of the goat, there are good examples of passive and receptive actions that were very important, without going further, the mass demonstrations against the invasion of Iraq occurred in the last year of the goat (2003), which were nothing less than the first and largest global demonstration in history to date.
Also the change of Horse Style to Goat Style quite often upset the established order of things at all levels, what works and thrives in a Creative form is often clogged and damaged when the time comes to know to act passively and following the trend of times, so it happened in the year of the goat 1943, when Germany and their allies suffered a series of setbacks (Stalingrad, Guadalcanal, Tunisia, Italy) who did change the course of the war and marked the beginning of the end of the German block in World War II, passing from having the initiative and summing up military victories, to start bearing defeat after defeat until the final defeat.
But I do not like to talk much about war, even if we are surrounded by them, the goat is indeed one of the most pacifist signs of all Chinese horoscope, she is inclined rather to art, poetry and trying to avoid the problems or solve them in a calm and friendly manner.