June 2018: reinventing Las Cartas de la Vida
I should have updated this web site a very long time ago, but well, better late than never, the problem was that it never got the relevance of spanish counterpart, so I focused my efforts in that one and partly forget about this.
Basically, it's the same web with different design, I should begin adding new content in the following months, but most likely it will not be related to Chinese astrology but to more technical issues, come back in a few months to see how it's going.
Just in case you are curious, this is my work area where this site is made, as you can see I don't have much fancy hardware:

Anyway, the fact of being able to work with 3 monitors at the same time, even if they are small and all, makes a huge difference when it comes to web development, since this way I'm able to see the browser, the html and the css, all at the same time.
Shortly, the main features of this new web are these:
- New front page, easier to understand.
- It should be fully responsive, if you detect any problem, please tell me.
- No Cookies and No Javascript, something not so common nowadays, but the truth is you don't need that stuff for this kind of sites.
- Integrates in one all my previous webs in 5 different languages.
- No more Google or Amazon ads, they didn't pay well at all.
I hope I will be able to update the English version of this site more often, anyway I don't promise anything, time will tell!