The rooster sign in chinese zodiac is thought to be related to one of the 4 gods of ancient China, the Red Bird from the South, not every astrologer agrees about this, but from my point of view it makes quite a lot of sense.

Roosters are serious people, they are analytical and misses nothing about people around them, have an eye for the detail, are somewhat demanding, with themselves and with people around them, and always try to be fair and honest, making them trusty business partners.
When taking things too far they can be picky and hard to follow, complaints about them asking too much are common, but on the other hand they try to do their best most of the time, are very hard working and know how to find a balance in whatever they do, is just that you must let them do it their own way.
Also they are famous for having very good taste, specially when choosing clothes and taking care about their image.
Typically they like more to stay at home than to go out in strange adventures, but can fight conflicts very aggressively when is needed.
Some of the most famous roosters are: Yoko Ono, Michael Douglas, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Sid Vicious, Melanie Griffith, Roman Polanski and Quincy Jones.